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Illiyuwn? Lets be "Sirius" The Revised Edition
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The found it nessessary for this page to be revised because a lot of people were under the assumption that I made up a lot of these accusations. I assure you, I did not make anything up. Everything I said came straight from Nuwaubian Publications.With this revised edition of "Illiyuwn Let's be "Sirius", I have added actual Scans from the Nuwaubian Publications to show and prove that I did not make anything up.
There are those out there who want to make me look bad. One of them is Nuwaubian Hotep, a self proclaimed champion of Nuwaubu who claims that most Nuwaubians are "Drones" of Dr. York and not "independent free thinkers" like himself. Nuwaubian Hotep wrote a "rebuttal" to this page.. only to make himself look foolish. See, Nuwaubian Hotep has only been a Nuwaubian for almost 4 years and does not own a lot of Nuwaubian Books so its understandable. i mean OVERSTANDABLE why he would think I was wrong. He doesn't own the books. This is why I felt it was important to scan the pages from the Nuwaubian Publications and actually post them up along with the cover of the book.
Please keep in mind that this in now way changes what was on the original page. All the old information is still here. More evidence was just added.
In a lot of Nuwaubian publications, Malachi York teaches that there were 19 Galaxies in our universe and that the 19th galaxy was called "Illiyuwn". But in an issue of the Nuwaubian Newsletter titled "Character Assassination", the Nuwaubian staff writer tries to make a rebuttal to a statements made by an individual named Nick Roberts. Roberts wrote an article titled "Nuwaubian Campus presence Arouses Interest of Students". In the Nuwaubian staff writer's rebuttal, the subject of the 19th galaxy came up .
Let me give you a brief summery on what Nuwaubians says Illiyuwn is. In their book Mission Earth and the Extraterrestrial Involvement Scroll # 82 on page 5, The Author says that "Illiyuwn is the 19th galaxy and it means "On High". On page 10 of the same book, It states that "Illiyuwn has 3 suns, UTU, SHAMASH and APSU; 38 Moons and 19 Planets".
In a pamphlet entitled Is Rizq and Illiyuwn a Fabrication of Dr Malachi Z York's Mind, the only evidence that the Nuwaubian uses to show and prove the evidence of Illiyuwn are 2 ayat (verses) from the Qur'aan, The Islamic holy book.
Al Qur'aan 83:18-19 |
18:Nay! Verily, the Record (writing of the deeds) of Al-Abrâr (the pious who fear Allah and avoid evil), is (preserved) in 'Illiyyûn. |
19:And what will make you know what 'Illiyuwn is? |
By using the Qur'aan to prove their point just makes the Nuwaubians look more like hypocrites. In a number of Nuwaubian Publications authored by Malachi Z. York. York himself claims that the Qur'aan is a "Holy Book Created to Keep People Ignorant." (Refer to Introduction to The Koran Scroll 2)
And that the Quraanic verse are simply "Words Of Men"
And that the Qur'aan is not "Authentic"
These are the words of York. Either he's telling the Truth or He's Contradicting Himself. York claims to have the Original Qur'aan, if he does, then why didn't he translate it? Why was El's Holy Qur'aan a translation from the so-called Tampered Qur'aan? Why was the Ansaruallah Qur'aan translated from the so-called Tampered Qur'aan? And if these So-Called Tampered Qur'aan are filled with so many mistakes, then why does El's Holy Qur'aan which was translated from the Tampered Qur'aan match up with the Nuwaubian Scriptures The Holy Tablets? Can you say FLIP FLOP! York has the nerve to still Quote from the Qur'aan after saying these awfully things about it. That's like a Homophobe getting it up the ass. Makes No Sense. STOP THE FLIP FLOP.
Here is a conversation I had with a Nuwaubian who goes by the name of Nuwaubian Hotep. Nuwaubian Hotep not only admitted that a lot of Nuwaubians Flip Flop but also THAT DR YORK FLIP FLOPS as well. Excerpt from a Yahoo! IM Chat Dated 7.03.05
gtomessiah [3:40:51 PM]: Anything I put up , You will Flip
nuwaubian_hotep [3:41:09 PM]: that's what alot of nuwaubians
nuwaubian_hotep [3:41:15 PM]: Pops taught yall
nuwaubian_hotep [3:41:24 PM]: I however do not do
gtomessiah [3:43:14 PM]: POPS TAUGHT YALL THAT
gtomessiah [3:43:21
PM]: So dont you think POPS DOES THAT
nuwaubian_hotep [3:43:39 PM]: he
does it.
In another one of The Nuwaubian Publications titled Man From Planet Rizq Scroll # 80, The Author states that the Greeks call Illiyuwn "Elysium". Elysium is considered "Paradise" in Greek Mythology and it stems from the Greek word "Elysian" and it literally means "Field".
Elysian-In Greek mythology, Elysium was a section of the Underworld (the spelling Elysium is a Latinization of the Greek word Elysion).
Latin lysium, from Greek lusion (pedion), Elysian
Illiyuwn means "Highest Place" not "Field"! So in reality, there is no relation between the words Elysium and Illiyuwn. A connection between Elysium is more closely related to the Arabic word "Jannah" which literally means "Garden" but is often equal with "Paradise" or "Heaven" as in the "Garden of Eden". A better comparison would be Elysium is related to Jannah, Not Illyuwn since Jannah is a Place on Earth ( GAN or GANNAH )
Now it seems that the Nuwaubians are changing what they considered the 19th Galaxy. Before it was Illiyuwn, but now they say Sirius, a star in the constellation Canis Major, is the 19th Galaxy. In the most recent Issue of Tama-Re, Egypt of the West: The Nuwaubian Newsletter Edition 1 Vol. 23 Page3 4th column last row, the staff writer remarks to a statement made by Nick Roberts.
The staff writer : "Lets look again at Nicks state of mind. Column two, he states " Maybe the Perfect society exist on planets located in the 19th Galaxy where Nuwaubians claim their ancestors came from".
The staff writer then goes on to say : "Nick do you know that 19th is the Sirius star constellation as recorded by the ancient Egyptians and the Dogons of Mali. They speak of their ancestors coming from this star constellation, so this is not something new."
In the next row of Tama-Re, Egypt of the West: The Nuwaubian Newsletter Edition 1 Vol. 23 Page3 5th column first row , the question of York's death comes up . The staff writer quotes Nick Roberts as saying " Maybe Dr York will be replaced by a new teacher from the 19th galaxy, which I have yet to see evidence of." The staff writer remarks "Now this is what he [Nick Roberts] really wishes and that's the old southern mentality. That states that no one can dispense right knowledge to the others" the Nuwaubian staff writer then goes on by saying "Nick the only way to get evidence is to investigate. Did you investigate Egyptian, Sumerian and African belief on the 19th galaxy? I'll give you some small hints…Nommos, Neteru. Anunnaqi, now go do some research. And you will be rewarded."
In the Nuwaubians Holy Tablets, It mentions beings that came from Sirius
Holy Tablets 3:5:113-125 |
113 those that don't know say that the Dogons got their information on Sirius from the Egyptians |
114 However, according to the Dogon, they got their knowledge from travelers from beyond the stars, who traveled from a planet attached to Sirius B and landed on Earth and bred with them and as a point of fact the Dogons were the descendents from the Egyptians |
115 The travelers from beyond the stars, that came and bred with the Dogons were the Reptilians |
116 these reptilians came from Sirius B |
117 they traveled to earth once their sun or star Sirius B collapsed becoming a very dense star also known as a "white Dwarf." |
118 When this planet sized ship called Procyon, which is the Greek name for Nibiru meaning ""planet which cross the sky, or the planet of the crossing." Passes by Sirius B, |
119 Its presence drained the energy from the sun and it causes this great star, Sirius B to collapse. |
120 Sirius B had 2 planets. |
121, The Naarians, Greys were on one planet and the Nummos, Reptilian were on the other. |
122 both planets rotated round Sirius B |
123 so when their sun died they, the inhabitants of Sirius Followed Nibiru through the Milky Way. |
124 One Chasing the other |
125 they took residence on Earth, which is where the Dogons fit in. |
In the Nuwaubian news letter, the staff writer wants to give Nick Roberts the assumption that Illiyuwn and Sirius are the same, but after doing some research of what the Nuwaubians teach of Illiyuwn and Sirius, They are NOT the same.
Here are some important questions to ask.
According to The Holy Tablets, the answer is NO!
The Description that the Holy Tablets gives of Illiyuwn is not the same as the one given to SIRIUS, so why did the Nuwaubian staff writer want to give the assumption that Sirius was the 19th galaxy when all of their previous publications state that Illiyuwn was the 19th Galaxy?
To the uninformed person not well learned in the Nuwaubian Teachings like Nick Robers, information like this will fly right over the heads, but this just shows you how deceitful a Nuwaubian can be just to prove his or her point.